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Sibley East High School

Arlington, MN

Janesville Waldorf Pemperton

Janesville, MN

Van Dyke Elementary School

Coleraine, MN

Delano Intermediate School

Delano, MN

The Olympus Standard Knocked-Down locker is perfect for educational and business facilities requiring durable lockers at an economical cost. With high quality steel, precision manufactured parts and the industry's toughest paint finish, these lockers are made to provide years of service at a cost you can afford.

The Olympus Heavy Duty Knocked-Down locker meets industry standards for heavy duty corridor lockers by simply upgrading a Standard locker with a 14 gauge steel door.

At Olympus Lockers & Storage Products, Inc, we believe our Athena locker should be the basis of design for heavy duty corridor lockers. The Athena is the strongest most durable knocked-down locker available. With increased steel gauges and the most durable paint finish in the industry, these lockers last in the toughest environments.

The Olympus Hercules Uni-Body Welded locker is perfect for any corridor where extreme durability is the main concern. With all welded construction, corridor ventilation designs, and many standard or optional features to choose from,  the Hercules locker will be the right choice.


6213 Bury Drive

Eden Prairie, MN 55346-1720

©2019 by Olympus Lockers & Storage Products, Inc.

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